“Annual NHS spending increase under Blair (Labour): 6.1%
Annual NHS spending increase under Brown (Labour): 5.4%
Annual NHS spending increase under Major (Tory): 4.7%
Annual NHS spending increase under Thatcher (Tory): 2.7%
Annual NHS spending increase under Cameron (Tory): 1.4%
The Cameron result includes the beginning of May’s government also.
The NHS requires extra spending per annum as we grow as a Nation. Not only does it require extra resources, but there are more people paying into the system in various taxes and N.I.contributions swelling the public pot.
If this extra money is then not paid into the NHS, we have a real terms cut.
The problem we face now is caused by many things including privatisation, Corrupt big pharma contracts that charge 10x the amount of generic alternatives. Private patients using NHS beds and the obvious drain in finances caused by PFIs and ACOs, not to mention the extra admin and profit requirements created by privatisation.
But the problem is exacerbated greatly by the Tory government in effect causing a real terms cut to NHS funding.”
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