Facebook User Jailed for Urging Attacks on Leeds Hotel Housing Asylum Seekers

Jordan Parlour
Jordan Parlour
🚨 Facebook User Jailed for Urging Attacks on Leeds Hotel Housing Asylum Seekers
📰 Jordan Parlour Jailed for Riot-Related Social Media Posts
Jordan Parlour has been sentenced to 20 months in jail for inciting violence during recent far-right unrest via social media.
⚖️ Judge Kearl’s Sentencing Remarks:
Before sentencing, Judge Kearl highlighted attacks on the Britannia Hotel in Leeds on 2 and 3 August, where missiles were thrown at the building.
🏨 Britannia Hotel Attacks:
The hotel was locked down to protect 210 occupants, including refugees and asylum seekers. Similar attacks occurred the following day, with police attending each time.
📲 Social Media Incitement:
Judge Kearl stated that Parlour took to social media in between attacks to encourage others to join in.
👥 Impact of Social Media Post:
Despite receiving only six likes, Parlour’s post was seen by his 1,500 friends and could be widely shared due to lack of privacy settings.
🚔 Arrest and Interview:
Parlour was arrested and interviewed on 5 August, where he expressed his motivation as “anger and frustration” over immigration issues.
🔥 Parlour’s Motivation:
The judge stated that Parlour was motivated by anger at “immigration problems” in the country.
❌ Incitement to Violence:
The judge emphasized that Parlour’s actions were clearly intended to incite others to join in the violence.
😞 Remorse Comes Too Late:
Judge Kearl noted Parlour expressed remorse, but it was deemed “too late” by the time he did so.

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