BREAKING: Four motions chosen for tonight’s votes

John Bercow

BREAKING: Four motions chosen for tonight’s votes

John Bercow, the Speaker of the House of Commons, has just announced the indicative vote motions that MPs will be voting on tonight.

He’s chosen four from a list of eight. They are:

Motion C, Customs Union — This motion calls on the Government to ensure that the Brexit plan includes a permanent and comprehensive UK-wide customs union with the EU.

Motion D, Common Market 2.0 — This proposal wants the Political Declaration — which covers the future relationship between the UK and the EU — to be renegotiated so that the UK joins the European Free Trade Association, through which is retains its membership of the European Economic Area, or Single Market. The UK would also seek to negotiate a “comprehensive customs arrangement” with the EU.

Motion E, Confirmatory public vote — Parliament would not be allowed to ratify any Brexit deal until it has been confirmed by a public poll.

Motion G, Parliamentary Supremacy — This motion has a series of actions. If the withdrawal agreement still does not have support by noon on April 10, the UK must seek a delay to Brexit from the bloc. If the EU does not agree to a further extension, then government must allow MPs to choose between a no-deal and revoking Article 50 and thus scrapping the Brexit process altogether.

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