“The policing Minister has mentioned a few times that ‘the police are doing a great job’. So why then every year are you cutting their budget?
It’s not right for you to do that.”
The Officer who gave his life defending the House of Commons had watched over 32,000 of his fellow Police Staff members cut from the Service whilst Theresa May was Home Secretary under Dodgy David Cameron.
It must have been very hard for his colleagues to listen to her fake praise of their service in the line of duty. The Chairman for Junior Doctors at the BMA was the first doctor on the scene – the same Junior doctors the media and government have been talking down for the last 2 years.
There should be little wonder that the media establishment were so keen to laud the undoubtedly decent actions of a Tory MP in the wake of the attack on Parliament – given the horrendous smears they have written and said over the last 7 years about the emergency services who actually serve and protect us at these times. To have done such an about face as to compliment the public services these vested interests seek to privatise would have been a step too far. So instead they concentrated on the heroism of “one of their own” and largely ignored the Public Servants, the real heroes, who did their duty yesterday.
So, why the media spin, from the moment the fallout from the attack began to play through in the media? This might have something to do with it :
“The French Police deployed more officers during the Charlie Hebdo shootings than our entire army.” – Ian Hislop editor of Private Eye
As Home Secretary Theresa May cut the Police Budget by 22%, losing over 32,000 staff from our Police Forces. She is now ( #ToryElectionFraud not withstanding) the Prime Minister – and yesterday one of those Police gave their life to make sure that she and the UK Parliament was safe. She cut police numbers down and closed police stations. She replaced beat officers with PCSO’s. Now she is generously offering to ‘help’ stretched police forces by employing G4S staff.
“Going to bed alive, safe and well thanks to Pc Keith Palmer. God bless him, his family and all those killed or injured. Terror will not win.” – Barry Gardiner, The Labour Party
Keith Palmer was 48 years old when he died. He was a Police Constable in the MET Police Force. He was a husband & father. He spent 15 years serving with the Metropolitan Police, before which he served in HM Royal Artillery. He died protecting the Democracy he spent his life defending. For that he is owed all of our respect.
Theresa May’s Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has been slashing our NHS & Paramedics services. The NHS staff her Health Secretary & Tory Party have been vilifying – with the help of the right wing Media & Press Establishment – went out and tended to the wounded, and collected the dead after the attack on the Houses of Parliament. The first person on the scene at yesterday’s terror attack was the Chairman of the Junior Doctors Committee at the BMA, Dr J. Wijesurija.
The same Junior Doctors the Tories and Right Wing press castigated as greedy and lazy self servers, putting patients lives at risk, for daring to ensure their working conditions were safe – all in the name of Austerity.
The Tories have spent the last 7 years slashing funding to our Emergency Services – they cannot continue to cut these services and at the same time claim to be keeping the Public safe.
Given that our Debt to GDP was 69% in 2010 and has risen to 91% under the tories, the question must be asked – where has all the money saved from Austerity actually gone to? That’s the question the Tory Policing Minister can’t answer when asked by a former Police Officer:
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