“Victoria Derbyshire forgot to mention her anti Corbyn guests are leading members of Likud-Herut UK, a far-right Zionist group.”


“The BBC‘s Victoria Derbyshire programme recently hosted a 15 minute slot in which a couple called Mark Lewis and Mandy Blumenthal were brought on to claim that Labour has produced such an atmosphere of threatening antisemitism in Britain that they are forced to leave for Israel.

What the BBC forgot to mention is that they are leading members of Likud-Herut UK, a far-right Zionist organisation that idolises the murderous leader of the Zionist Irgun terror gang, Menachem Begin. Indeed, Mandy Blumenthal is the National Director of Likud-Herut UK, but was instead introduced as a ‘property company director‘, while her partner was described merely as a ‘lawyer‘!

While Corbyn was lambasted for possibly having stood near to a grave of someone who knew someone who was involved in the Munich attacks, these people were given a free pass over their adulation of the man who oversaw the 1948 Deir Yassin massacre. Over 100 Palestinian villagers in Deir Yassin were brutally massacred by Begin’s Irgun during the ethnic cleansing of Palestine following the foundation of the State of Israel, during which 700,000 Arabs were driven out of their homeland.

Moreover, Derbyshire never asked her guests if they made these bizarre claims of open antisemitism against Britain‘s most well-known antiracist because they are, in fact, devoted supporters of the State of Israel and the racist Likud party that currently runs it.

Of course, that would be antisemitic. How could you possibly claim that people who describe themselves as ‘proud Zionists‘ could have an ulterior motive for attacking Britain‘s most prominent pro-Palestinian figure…?”

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