“There’s a motion about a “referendum on the terms of Brexit” doing the rounds that will no doubt come up at Conference. It’s completely unrealistic. The motion may superficially seem attractive to remainers but it can’t possibly help Corbyn or the Labour Party.
Brexit date is March 2019. There is no time for a referendum.
A vote on terms would basically be “accept the deal or crash out (No Deal).” Even if we could have a a referendum in time, there’s neither time nor EU will for more negotiation after that date.
The motion quotes ’81 of Labour supporters wanting a vote on the terms of Brexit’. This certainly doesn’t mean, despite what the motion claims, that Labour voters oppose Brexit. As an indication of actual committed opposition to Brexit, the same poll identifies that only 37% of Labour voters want a second referendum “to decide whether Brexit happens or not.” It seems our voters are accepting Brexit will happen and want it over.
We know that Labour Leave voters are more volatile electorally than Labour Remain voters.
Labour are not likely to win a vote in Parliament to hold this referendum.
As much as I wish that Labour could stop Brexit, we can’t, and this motion if it becomes policy will just lose Labour support.
One thing to say for Tony Blair -and Peter Mandelson- is they are at least honest that they would rather have a Tory govt than a Corbyn govt. Others in that minority are not so honest. No doubt some have genuine motives for bringing this motion but it can only embarrass the leadership and potentially will sabotage the Party electorally. Delegates beware.”
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