In an interesting turn of events, it seems the far right are fighting again, but this time there is a major scandal going on within Rebel Media.
Two weeks ago Caolan Robertson, known for presenting for Tommy Robinson, along with his colleague in Lauren Southern in March and others were suddenly fired without cause and Caolan thinks it’s because they ‘knew too much’ and reveals Ezra buried a story on UKIP involving electoral fraud.
In a YouTube video uploaded yesterday to his YouTube account labeled ‘WHY I LEFT THE REBEL MEDIA’ he goes on to say “So some of you might or might now know, but two weeks ago I actually left the Rebel Media. But what you definitely don’t know is that Ezra then flew to the UK to offer $20,000 to make sure that this very video would not get made. Personally, I think it’s because we both knew too much.”
Caolan goes on to say “The Rebel makes enough from its shows to cover its costs. It makes even makes more from less ordinary, more wealthy people on top on that. So what on Earth does it need with your money? The thing is, when you donate to a Rebel campaign, you’re actually giving money to a business, not a charity. While the Rebel does spend a huge amount on lawyers, billboards, and URLs, this is nothing compared to what is actually coming in. These are simply tools to boost donations.”
“I first began to question and realise that journalistic integrity wasn’t a priority at Rebel Media when they began pulling major stories that I was covering, first was a massive scandal, it was completely damning that I uncovered about UKIP, basically caught the party in what looked like electoral fraud and we had proof, but Ezra? He didn’t want to know. In fact, when he saw the video he actually flipped out and pulled it and demanded that we never mention it again. He actually accused us of campaigning for the candidate the party was trying to screw over. But the thing is Ezra didn’t seem to care about the truth, he openly talked about his plans for Nigel Farage to join the Rebel before, even trying to get us out for dinner with us all trying to form some kind of alliance. The problem with this story? Farage had openly been critical of the candidate in question and so? A national story disappeared overnight”
Ezra Levant appeared to offer them money in order to sign a new confidentiality agreement “I will PayPal to you right fucking now. I have it on my right. Ill send it now”. The video includes an audio clip of Ezra appearing to offer what he calls “hush money,” which Caolan accepted before going ahead spilling the beans anyway.
As noted in his YouTube video via an audio clip, it reveals Ezra actually sued someone for $95,000 for talking about the company’s crowdfunding methods before, which he would continue to pursue down to line viciously throughout the years so the respondent would commit suicide.
Caolan also draws attention to a very hidden disclaimer on The Rebel, which states “Surplus funds raised for specific initiatives will be used for other costs associated with that particular project, such as website development, website hosting, mail, and other such expenses. Additional funds will be used towards other similar initiatives in the future.”
Caolan also revealed the sudden departure of its former star, Lauren Southern, back in March was related to fundraising for their trip to Israel “It actually turns out that the Rebel crowdfunded more than enough money to cover the costs of that trip and yet they still demanded she make a video asking for more. Of course, Lauren refused, and after raising concerns about the ethics of lying to make money they didn’t need, she was unceremoniously fired, and threatened with legal action if she ever spoke about it. That’s right, she didn’t leave, she was fired.”
“I’m probably going to be sued for this video, almost immediately, but enough is enough, I am calling time on this bullshit so long people have been able to donate blindly to a company that is simply a money making machine. I believe that Rebel has an ethical black hole and if people are giving their hard earned money to it, they should know the truth”.
The founder Ezra Levant went public with a claim that he’s being blackmailed as seen in the video above. He wrote a lengthy essay on the right-wing website providing the details here.
In the meantime, iPolitics has reported that more than 250 companies and institutions have “confirmed they will pull their ads from Rebel Media, according to an online group that targets far-right websites”.
This arrives in the wake of Rebel Media’s controversial coverage of a far-right protest in Charlottesville that led to the death of an anti-racist, Heather Heyer.
Right-wing broadcaster and Rebel Media co-founder Brian Lilley quit earlier this week. Lilley was followed by right-wing commentators John Robson, Barbara Kay and several others, with more expected.
Brian explained his actions on Facebook “I am not comfortable being associated with a group that, rightly or wrongly, is being increasingly viewed as associated with the likes of Richard Spencer. Like many of you, I had family that fought the Nazis, I never want to be in the same room as one.”
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