Jacob Rees-Mogg paid £500,000 by company implicated in the Paradise Papers tax avoidance scandal.


Tory MP Jacob Rees Mogg was, like then Tory leader David Cameron, named in the Panama Papers scandal.

Conservative Mogg has a multi million pound fortune predicated on numerous investments in offshore, tax avoiding holding companies.

Mogg was paid half a million pounds for the advice he gave as a consultant to a offshore firm implicated in the global tax avoidance scandal.

Mogg owned 50,000 shares in Lloyd George Investment Management. Mogg received $680,000 when the company was sold to Canada’s Bank of Montreal back in 2011.

Mogg’s own Somerset asset management operates out of the offshore tax haven Cayman Islands.

Mogg famously described the fact that poverty in Britain had become such a blight that there were thousands of foodbanks required to keep people fed in the 5th richest nation on earth as ‘uplifting’.

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