The veteran anti-racist campaigner, Marc Wadsworth, has been expelled from the Labour Party by the party’s National Constitutional Committee for allegedly bringing the party into disrepute. The case was brought following his question at the press conference for Chakrabarti Report into “Anti-Semitism and other forms of racism”.
This is my response to the decision:
“I am astonished by the National Constitutional Committee’s (NCC) perverse determination of Marc Wadsworth’s case.
“It flies in the face of the evidence that was presented and offends against the principles of natural justice.
“The NCC’s decision has all the hallmarks of predetermination and tramples on the Labour Party’s record of standing up for fairness.
“I will therefore continue to stand four-square behind Marc and assist him in his efforts to clear his name, and his reputation as a veteran anti-racist campaigner, which have been besmirched by this absurd NCC ruling.”
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