Labour pledges to set up state drug company and scrap prescription fees

Labour would found state drug company and scrap prescriptions fees

‘Nobody should be worried about being able to afford the medicines they need,’ says Jeremy Corbyn

A Labour government would establish a state-funded generic drug manufacturer to make life-saving medicines affordable to all, Jeremy Corbyn has announced.

Jeremy Corbyn then continued to explain that private drugs companies will be required to keep prices down as a condition of receiving public funding for research. A Quid Pro Quo working relationship.

A Labour government would set up a “publicly owned generic drugs manufacturer” and scrap prescription fees, the party has said.

Jeremy Corbyn has also promised that it will tackle the funding crisis for social care and introduce free personal care for the elderly.

“Healthcare is a human right,” Mr Corbyn said, ahead of a visit to a pharmacy on Wednesday.

“Nobody should be worried about being able to afford the medicines they need, and our NHS should not be priced out of providing the drugs people need because of pharmaceutical companies charging extortionate prices for medicines.

The use of compulsory licensing would allow the NHS to gain access to generic versions of expensive drugs soon after a Labour government came to power, but the establishment of a state-funded generic drug manufacturer would not come until the end of the party’s first five-year term in office.

The Labour Party​ bring England into line with the rest of the UK scraping prescriptions fees.

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