“What an embarrassment. The last 24 hours have given new meaning to the phrase ‘coalition of chaos.’
We have a Prime Minister that is so weak that the DUP can veto anything. What signal does that send the EU about the PM’s ability to negotiate Brexit?
It’s one thing to go to Brussels and fall out with the other side of the negotiations. It’s quite another to go to Brussels and fall out with your own side of the negotiating table.
If ever there was a day for the Prime Minister to come to this house to answer questions, it was today.”
Keir Starmer and David Davis clash as Theresa May hides from Parliament after yesterdays #Brexit shambles.
After crashing to a halt before the finish line in the General Election, #TheresaMay’s #Tory Party lied to the Queen and said they had a deal before they actually had one with the #DUP, and now they lied to the #EU and said they had a deal with the DUP on the issue of the Irish border.
Isn’t it time for another #GeneralElection?
These Tories are not fit to negotiate #Brexit.
These Tories are not fit to run our #NHS.
These Tories are not fit to govern our country.
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