Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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Tag: Brexit

“Together, we can put the GREAT back into Great Britain! WE...

"On 4th December 2017 Stafford Constitutional Labour Party delivered their 'reverse advent calendar' donations to Staffordshire Womens Aid, who have had a MASSIVE upsurge...

“Leave voters still want Brexit” – but why?

"The Best reason for Brexit is explained at the end of this article, far more eloquently than anyone else could put it, by Tony...

[Video] Kier Starmer: “Not good enough!” David Davis & Theresa May...

"What a mess! We get one thing one day and another thing the next. Yesterday, the Secretary of State was asked in the Brexit...

The full speech delivered by Jeremy Corbyn at the Europe Together...

"Thank you for that fantastic welcome and thank you for inviting me here today. I want to begin by saying that today’s “Socialists Together” conference...

British Ambassador: “Why would anybody believe that a woman who is...

Many people have repeated Lynton Crosby's mantra that this election is all about who Britain chooses to negotiate Brexit with the E.U. A former...

Party political praise on Brexit from Bank of England Chief prompts...

"The PM began her careeer at the Bank of England before leaving to persue other interests. Whilst at the bank, the PM worked at...

Skinner responds: “I’m not voting for any power-grab.”

Dennis Skinner: "Look, nobody should be surprised – I’ve done the same things for over 40 years! I’ve stayed the same for over 40 years....

Blair gets through BBC interview without a single question on the...

"You were completely wrong about Jeremy Corbyn, though weren't you? He has picked up on real anger about NeoLiberal economics that you introduced" -...


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