“All child molesters are lowlifes. But some are lowlifes in high places.” – Key Quotes from the Child Abuse Inquiry Report


“All too often institutions are prioritising the reputation of political leaders or the reputation of their staff, or avoiding legal liability, claims or insurance implications, over the welfare of children and tackling child sexual abuse,”

“The UK Government must demonstrate the priority and importance of tackling child sexual abuse through its actions,”

“Children are still accused of ‘child prostitution’, ‘risky behaviour’ and ‘promiscuity’” and blamed “rather than being the victims of serious criminal acts,”

“The Inquiry considers that all too often institutions are prioritising the reputation of political leaders or the reputation of their staff, or avoiding legal liability, claims or insurance implications, over the welfare of children and tackling child sexual abuse,”

“All child molesters are lowlifes. But some are lowlifes in high places, the person I have described was well respected and a pillar of the local establishment. It was an open secret that he molested the boys in his charge. Anyone who might have objected to his behaviour would have the daunting task of taking on someone with powerful friends and considerable influence”.

“Screening of those wishing to enter the priesthood and become vicars is very important – a person with good interpersonal skills can get in anywhere. A dog collar is like a key to everyone’s front room in the parish,”

“Child sexual abuse can have wide-ranging and serious consequences. For some victims and survivors these effects endure throughout adult life,”

“I could be in a party and having the best time of my life, but I could smell something or somebody could say something or somebody could touch me and I’m right back to the abuse, and until the day I die that’s never going to change,”

“I think it’s disgraceful that barristers are allowed to say, ‘You have applied for compensation.  Are you doing this for the money’?”

“the language society uses and its understanding of child sexual abuse have a direct and practical effect on the way victims and survivors and perpetrators are treated by society and institutions. This was also identified in the analysis of existing research. For example, children are still accused of ‘child prostitution’, ‘risky behaviour’ and ‘promiscuity’ and, as a result, continue to feel blamed or responsible for the sexual abuse they have suffered rather than being the victims of serious criminal acts.”

“It was noted that the use of phrases such as ‘gold-digger’ and ‘fantasist’ has an impact on the perception and credibility of adult survivors of child sexual abuse.”


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