“I’m sick and tired of this sort of rubbish taking place in the Labour Party.”


“We now have definitive evidence that East Midlands Labour regional office, along with certain Erewash CLP exec members and councillors, are trying to stitch up the general election candidate selection process in Erewash Labour Party.

Our right-wing Chairwoman Catherine Atkinson is the main contender for the Parliamentary candidacy, and has lost at least three elections, whilst continually battling to ensure that left wingers cannot stand in NEARLY ALL positions throughout Erewash Labour Party. The deputy chair positions are held by her best mates and allies – including a potential candidate in the all-women selection process called Celia Powers.

Her other good friend is Emma Foody, the new regional director for East Midlands Labour. Emma Foody’s husband is the known Corbyn critic MP Alex Norris for Nottingham North. The deputy regional director George Carr-Williamson (Atkinson ally) is also a member of Erewash CLP.

Our CLP secretary is a pro-Corbyn official, who got the role due to lots of new members voting him into the position. He has been cut out of the selection process in an attempt to stack the committee in Atkinsons favour, or in favour of one of her allies. Ergo… a right-wing Progress-style stitch up.

Neil Rayner one of the regional organisers for the area sent out an email on behalf of Erewash CLP detailing the process to be followed, and the ‘make-up’ of the committee to be used for selection.

In it (as the picture attached shows) you’ll see that they are suggesting the CHAIR and the TREASURER of the CLP are automatically selected for this committee. That would mean Atkinson (or a vice chair) and an ally of hers automatically on the selection committee.

I can can confirm, from a highly respected and knowledgeable source within the Labour NEC, that this is NOT the case, and that Erewash CLP and East Midlands Regional office have put out false information.

It is the SECRETARY and TREASURER who are to AUTOMATICALLY be on the selection committee, and NOT the CHAIR. This would mean another pro-Corbyn vote would automatically be on the selection panel committee.

It is highly likely that this ‘error’ has not been made unintentionally, given Erewash CLP and East Midlands Labour Regional Office’s contentious collusive history and shared personnel.

I will also add that Emma Foody and the same people in the CLP are responsible for my continued *indefinite* suspension, which is still in place for obvious reasons – they know I wont tolerate this kind of manipulation, as well as my justified and public criticism of Atkinson’s lack of leadership or capability in her role as Chair or PPC. I call for my suspension to be annulled and my membership reinstated in light of the clear conflict of interest between regional office and my CLP executive committee (who caused my suspension in the first place to try and shut me up).

I’m sick and tired of this sort of rubbish taking place in the Labour Party. The NEC and Leader’s office need to step in and deal with what is going on within the East Midlands Regional Office and Erewash CLP. It’s time right-wing Labour staff stopped acting like this, and let honest hard-working members participate in their beloved Labour party.


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