As many as one hundred thousand citizens have fallen to the brutality of Tory austerity, victims of outright elitist hypocrisy. A study published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine states:
“The long-term decline in mortality in England and Wales has reversed,
with approximately 30,000 extra deaths compared to what would be expected if the average age-specific death rates in 2006 to 2014.”
The analysis, performed by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, the University of Oxford and Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, rules out data errors, cold weather and flu as main causes, stating “the evidence points to a major failure of the health system, possibly exacerbated by failings in social care”.
In addition to the so-called ‘excess deaths’ caused by failings in our cash-starved health and social care services, the Tory ‘austerity’ drive has led to massive rises in both poverty and suicide. According to the charity C.A.L.M., the suicide rate has raised so much that it is now ‘the biggest single killer of men under 45 in the UK’.
Could there be a more damning symbol of our societal failure than ‘not wanting to live in our society’ being the single biggest killer of our nation’s young men?
Food banks have become as normal as supermarkets. Over a million three day emergency food parcels were handed to hungry families over the year April ‘15-‘16, with a million more to March ’17 from Trussell Trust alone.
This amounts to the organised cruelty or killing of a large group of our citizens due solely to their economic status; the definition of an economic pogrom.
The ill, injured, disabled, elderly and children – the frail, the vulnerable, the poorest – have been the worst hit during the Tory drive to poverty. Casualties include the Child Poverty Commission, child poverty targets and child protection laws.
The Tories forced the closure of over 1,000 Sure Start Centres, accelerating the decline in early years funding. Per-pupil funding is set to decline for the first time in decades, amid farcical plans to redraw 21st Century Education in the image of bygone Colonial Era elitism.
Repeatedly condemned by the UN for human rights abuses against our own citizens, the Tories have preached the necessity of austerity for the last decade.
We now know this to be an outright lie.
We now know this to be organised cruelty and the killing of our most vulnerable citizens.
We now know this to be an economic pogrom.
#SaveOurNHS #jc4nhs #nhsSOS #economicpogrom #toriesout
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