“This crying wolf about Police cuts must stop – it doesn’t serve the public.” Theresa May


“This weekend the Federation warned that ‘spending reductions mean that we’ll be forced to adopt a paramilitary style of policing in Britain.’ Today you have said that ‘community police officers are an endangered species’….

I have to tell you that this kind of scaremongering does nobody any good – it doesn’t serve you, it doesn’t serve the officers you represent, and it doesn’t serve the public.”

Theresa May was told and warned – by no less than an award winning MET Police officer she herself had awarded a prize for outstanding service – that cuts reduced the security services’ ability to PREVENT these attacks. Her response was to attack the people warning her, and cut their budgets some more.

The traditional newsplatforms congratulated her for this speech.

Yesterday, for the third time since March, the British Public felt the cost of such arrogance.

We cannot expect our security services to be able to prevent these things without fully staffed public services. When your cops spend half their time firefighting the side effects to the cuts to other services, they aren’t in the communities. It’s really that simple.

That is before we get to the fact that under the tories watch our prisons are being privatised. This means the best officers are being driven from that force, too, and as a direct result those prisons are becoming over run with extremists from Saudi Arabia who are radicalising young British criminals – who we are supposed to be rehabilitating. Ask anyone who has been to prison in the last 5 years.

 Wahaabism is the doctrine of Islam followed by ISIS, it comes from Saudi Arabia and it’s about time we talked about the “elephant in the room” – instead of doing what Sky news say, and telling Abdul from next door who is a forth generation British Muslim from India, whose Grandad fought for Britian in WW2 and who is known to have a cheeky pint that he has to “get his community in order.”
We can have civilisation, or we can have this. If we want civilisation, the cost is taxes. Our Home Office, for 7 years, has slashed our police budgets. 22% of their money.
20,000 front line officers – gone
1300 firearms officers – gone
26,000 community support staff – gone
The Home Secretary that signed off on it all?
Theresa May.
Where’s the stupid quips about a ‘magic money tree’ now?
“She wants to get rid of the rule of law and replace it with big-brother style surveillance.”

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