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Tag: jeremy corbyn

Prime Minister’s Questions – Jeremy Corbyn vs Theresa May

"There is already a shortage of 40,000 nurses across the UK, will the PM please, see sense, and get rid of the public sector...

Opposition forces government to U turn on Tribunal Fees on first...

The Tories are U-turning on their first day back in UK Parliament "Does the minister believe the greater number of people being forced to represent themselves...

The Curious Case of Dr Chris Day, the Tories & the...

The suppression of NHS whistleblowers has set a precedent that could have knock on affects for whistleblowers in other industries. Public servants wanting to...

Tories pilot new cost cutting scheme that will see unqualified staff...

A New Tory cost cutting scheme, called Care Navigation, will take the ideas Iain Duncan Smith applied to the Department of Work & Pensions...

Independence day or Apocalypse Now? What happens to the EU after...

"Brexit would be a hard challenge for any government. The next steps are crucial. So far they seem utterly complacent about the scale of...

Once Brexit is Done Mayhem will cut & run – Tory...

Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May has announced the day she will quit in a move of desperation to placate her own MPs. This announcement comes amid...

Why has the BMA always opposed the NHS?

"Bevan gained the support of Parliament for the NHS - but the opposition of the British Medical Association(BMA) intensified. Bevan was determined to show that...

The 72nd Anniversary of the greatest Labour Government

"For the first time in the country's history a Labour government was elected. Their positive vision of a Welfare State won them a landslide few...

Jeremy Hunt knows that the North West has no Cardiac Coverage

"Dear Secretary of State for Health, We the undersigned demand that you make a decision as quickly as possible as to the siting of an...

“It’s still embedded in my soul!” – Dennis Skinner

"When we're here we should remember where we come from - and I remember those people. I remember my own family. 9 kids who...


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