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Tag: UK Parliament

Jeremy Corbyn’s Queen’s Speech is the best he’s ever made.

"By tradition, at the beginning of each parliamentary Session we commemorate the Members we have lost in the previous year. Sadly, this year must...

Tim Farron​ has resigned as leader of the Liberal Democrats​, ironically...

"All it takes for evil to thrive is for good men to do nothing." As those who abstained on the Welfare Bill know, in the...

Confident Corbyn taunts tainted Theresa as Tories set yet another terrible...

"I follow the Prime Minister in her remarks about the importance of the work we all have to do in this Parliament, and I...

The 63% could stop the Tories from getting back in. Theresa...

"The non-Conservative parties are divided and fractious. Under the pressure of the election campaign it is just possible that some of them might come together...

The Media Myth of ‘Benefits Britain’ is perverse – Banks get...

We gave the banks £1162 billion during the financial crisis. Total UK spending for 2015 was £562.8 billion. Of that all welfare spending was...

Police Officer killed & MPs locked in the Commons after terrorist...

"We offer our deepest sympathy to the family of the officer who has died. Our thoughts are also with all those killed and injured....

Theresa May & the Tories questioned on #ToryElectionFraud

"Does she agree with me that this (Tory Election Fraud scandal) is at best wilful negligence, and at worst pure electoral fraud? Last week the...

Tory Lord warns : “If May messes up Article50 & Brexit,...

"The government knows perfectly well what it has got to do. It knows that if it produces a completely unsatisfactory result it will face...


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