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Tag: Labour

Iain Duncan Smith is to Theresa May what Tony Benn was...

Back in 2002, when he was leader of the Conservatives, Iain Duncan Smith got his protege, then Conservative Chairwoman Theresa May, to attack her...

Under the Tories the NHS is closed to patients, but open...

"Tory policy seems to be to sell off everything the state owns as a short term fix for balancing the books, whilst the public...

Dodgy Dave’s defender Alan Duncan proves Theresa’s Tories have not changed

"So you are claiming expenses for a second home when you've got three, and you've got an income coming in from it?" - Ian...

The reason even NHS staff use foodbanks is that People have...

There will be no renaissance of manufacturing in the U.K. and U.S.A under right wing economic policies, no matter what right wing politicians like...

The Strife & Crimes of Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson: Tory Britain’s...

The man Theresa May chose to be Foreign Secretary, Britain's face to the world, once conspired to intimidate & beat up a journalist who...

May’s Conservatives caught cutting Education funding in rival seats to plug...

The Conservative Government of Theresa May has been caught out siphoning off money from the national education pot and sending it to Tory constituencies...

Rise of the Robots puts 47% of British Jobs at risk...

When the NeoLiberal Thatcherites and Blairites "creatively destroyed" our economy to replaced it with a service based economy - selling off all of our...

The 63% could stop the Tories from getting back in. Theresa...

"The non-Conservative parties are divided and fractious. Under the pressure of the election campaign it is just possible that some of them might come together...

The Media Myth of ‘Benefits Britain’ is perverse – Banks get...

We gave the banks £1162 billion during the financial crisis. Total UK spending for 2015 was £562.8 billion. Of that all welfare spending was...

Theresa May has slashed Pupil funding to “the lowest level since...

  "Jeremy Corbyn cares about a fair future for young people. He listens and he's interested" - Samir, 13 We're very lucky to have Valerie Vaz...


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