Independence day or Apocalypse Now? What happens to the EU after...
"Brexit would be a hard challenge for any government. The next steps are crucial. So far they seem utterly complacent about the scale of...
Ex-Rebel Media and Tommy Robinsons presenter calls out the ‘Rebel Media’...
In an interesting turn of events, it seems the far right are fighting again, but this time there is a major scandal going on...
Nigel Farage: “It’s legitimate to say that if people feel that...
Former UK Independence Party (UKIP) leader Nigel Farage ominously tells the British Public that there will be blood on the streets - and that...
The 63% could stop the Tories from getting back in. Theresa...
"The non-Conservative parties are divided and fractious.
Under the pressure of the election campaign it is just possible that some of them might come together...
The Media Myth of ‘Benefits Britain’ is perverse – Banks get...
We gave the banks £1162 billion during the financial crisis. Total UK spending for 2015 was £562.8 billion. Of that all welfare spending was...
Criminal investigation into #ToryElectionFraud concludes on May 9th & Theresa May...
Theresa May just took the nuclear option, having often repeated her lack of desire for calling another disruptive public vote. The Prime Minister, who...
“UKIP are in a death spiral” – Assembly Member & Former...
"I know there is still "bad blood" from the time I quit the Tories to join UKIP. It's not for me to waltz back into...
The challenge for Labour’s Working Class vote is over as UKIP’s...
UK Independence Party (UKIP)'s only Member of Parliament, Douglas Carswell, has just quit the party.
The Labour Party's Shadow Education Secretary Angela Rayner for Ashton...
Tory Lord warns : “If May messes up Article50 & Brexit,...
"The government knows perfectly well what it has got to do. It knows that if it produces a completely unsatisfactory result it will face...
Someone FINALLY mentions #ToryElectionFraud in the House of Commons
"Does the Minister think that this super-duper broadband, which is relatively new to me, will be able to expose, even more so, the Tory...